
Youth Ministry
The Youth ministry of MCBC provides a great place to meet other like-minded teens. We focus on reaching out to teens in a relevant way through worship, current messages and an atmosphere that connects with teens. The goal of this ministry is to see our youth surrender, grow, and mature in their walk with Christ; then go out and point others to Christ.
Contact Sonya Burchfield
Tel: 662-843-2828

Children's Ministry
At MCBC we understand that children are a divine gift from God and He has entrusted us to lead them toward a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe that the primary responsibility for spiritual growth lies with the parents; however, we, as the church, are committed to providing a variety of opportunities where a child’s faith can be nurtured.
Contact Sonya Burchfield
Tel: 662-843-2828

Outreach Ministry
Come join us as we seek to reach our community with the good news of God's salvation, while we minister to the needs of our community.
Contact Bro. David Horton
Tel: 662-843-2828

Music Ministry
Come join us in leading our church in worship! Whether you are a singer or can play an instrument, we have a place for you!
Contact Lindsay Nichols
Tel: 662-843-2828

Bible Study
We have multiple age/stage of life classes to participate in. We have classes for children through Senior Adults, Men's and Women's classes, singles and newlyweds, and special group studies that meet throughout each semester. We would love to have you join us, as we learn more about this wonderful God we serve!
Contact Wayne Farmer
Call or Text: 662-843-2828

Throughout the year, we engage in local, state, and international missions. The Great Commission begins at home, but is not fulfilled until we reach the ends of the earth. We invite everyone to participate in our mission opportunities, and to introduce this world to our wondrous Savior and Lord!
Contact Bro. David Horton
Tel: 662-843-2828